Syringe Feeding a Sick Cat – Syringe Feed
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Astralagus for Cats
A better solution than echinacea for prolonged treatment, long term care. Immune function enhancer, upper respiratory, improves kidney function, treats diabetes (lowers blood glucose) and hyperthyroidism (in cats only). Echinacea…
Epicor For Cats (Beta Glucan)
EpiCor significantly increases Natural Killer Cell activity, a type of white blood cell that is effective in seeking out and destroying infected cells. This activity starts working in just two…
OLIVE Leaf Extract for Cats
Both olive leaf and oils are found to have high concentrations of phenolics, tocopherols, flavonoids, antioxidant power, and the leaves also contain chlorophyll and carotenoid study also concluded that by…
L-Lysine for Cats
Dosage I have seen recommended is often 500mg per day, divided over two doses (so 225mb twice a day). But I have also seen it suggested up to 1000mg per…
Quercetin for Cats
125 mg once daily for small dogs and cats (0-20 lbs)250 mg once daily for medium-sized dogs (25-50 lbs)375 mg once daily for large dogs (>50 lbs) Quercetin may react…
Olive Leaf for Cats
Natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory medicinal ; Ultimately it supports the immune system in both humans and pets and can be a great alternative to give your pet…
Colloidal Silver for Cats
10-29-2022Gave Pinky 5 ml at around 7pmGave another 5 ml between 8pm and 11pm Give 5 more times - or more For immune system, Ear mites, bacterial infections, fungal infections,…